London Art Update.
Brittania Street WC1 till Aug 18th.
Henry Moore late works
This is the must-see show at the moment. Never have so many of his works been seen in an indoor space which gives them a completely different sense of scale and importance. These works are on loan from Perry Green in Hertfordshire (worth a visit if you like his work) where they are seen in a vast landscape and so look completely different against grass, trees and other buildings. Seeing them in a white modern gallery makes them so much more impressive.
Wharf Road N1 till Aug 11th
Grayson Perry
The Vanity of Small Differences
A series of 6 new tapestries produced in conjunction with the C4 TV series entitled ‘All in the Best Possible Taste’ showing his interpretation of current class symbols, trends and behaviour. The original inspiration came from Hogarths ‘The Rakes Progress’ and Perry has reinterpreted some of the imagery in a 21st century style. The tapestries are woven on computerized looms in Belgium and use the whole spectrum of colours to achieve an amazingly vivid result.
25 Savile Row W1 till Aug 3rd
Calder in India
An amazing show of 10 mobiles created when Alexander Calder and his wife were invited to visit the Sarabhai family in Ahmedabad in January 1955. The family were patrons of the arts and invited numerous artists including Noguchi, Rauschenberg and Cartier-Bresson as well as Calder to spend time with them and create work in studios set up for them.
Calders works have never been seen in the West before and range from a 10cm high maquette to a floor standing mobile 3 metres high.
16 Ramillies St W1 till July 2nd
Edward Burtynsky
A series of colour photographs showing 3 sections from this series, taken in locations around the world. The images show scarred landscapes caused by the extraction of oil and the effects on cities defined by its use. He uses aerial photography to capture vast landscapes so heightening the visual effect.